Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Well, hello there...

I've been wanting to do this for so long. And, I did it. I finally buckled down, checked all excuses at the door and made the time to do it. And now, here we very own blog!

I guess I should start by introducing myself (for those of you who don't know me). First, I need Jesus, caffeine and sugar...daily, perhaps even hourly. I'm a truly blessed stay-at-home wife and mother of two beautiful children. No, that doesn't mean I watch soaps, sip champagne and eat bon-bons all day. I stay incredibly busy, but the weird thing is, I love it. It's sick, I know. Let's see...what else about me? Well, I adore things made by hand and getting crafty with the kids. Oh, and being in the kitchen. Boy, oh boy, do I love baking! My favorite? Marshmallows, duh ;) These cloud-like confections are truly heavenly and so versatile. I hope to share all of my treasured recipes with you...and lots more.

So, here's a look into my faith-driven, family-focused, sometimes frantic, but always fantastical world. Enjoy

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